
Showing posts from May, 2023

Isha Upanishad | Shloka 10 | English | Results of Vidya and Avidya | anyadevāhurvidyayā | Vedanta Philosophy

  Dear readers,  Welcome back to our  blog . Today we will discuss tenth shloka of Isha Upanishad.   Without any further delay, let's jump to the Sloka.  अन्यदेवाहुर्विद्ययाऽन्यदाहुरविद्यया ।   इति शुश्रुम धीराणां ये नस्तद्विचचक्षिरे ॥   “anyadevāhurvidyayā’nyadāhuravidyayā |  iti śuśruma dhīrāṇāṃ ye nastadvicacakṣire ||”  Translation in English:  The result of Vidya is different from the result received by following Avidya. We heard that from wise people who taught us so.   Which results the Shloka is indicating? To understand that let me tell you a story of two brothers Vidyasagar and Sushanta. Vidyasagar was naughty, undisciplined, questioning, curious and an experimenter. Sometimes teachers used to be afraid of his questions because they did not have any answers to them. On the other hand, Sushanta was very calm, disciplined, never questioning and used to follow everything blindly. After growing up Sushanta start...