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How Life Started? | Brihadaranyaka Upanishad | Shloka 1.2.5 | Part 1 #English Watch #Hindi Watch #Bangla Watch Dear readers, Welcome back to our blog! Today, we will explore the fifth shloka of the second Brahmana in the first chapter of the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad. In this session, we will delve into the profound meaning of this shloka and draw parallels between ancient wisdom and modern scientific understanding. Let's begin by reading or reciting the shloka: "स ऐक्षत यदि वा इममभिमस्ये कनीयोऽन्नं करिष्य इति। स तया वाचा तेनात्मनेद सर्वमसृजत यदिदं किंचर्चो यजूषि सामानि छन्दासि यज्ञान्प्रजाः पशून्। स यद्यदेवासृजत तत्तदत्तुमध्रियत। सर्वं वा अत्तीति तददितेरदितित्व सर्वस्येतसात्ता भवति सर्वमस्यान्नं भवति य एवमेतददितेरदितित्वं वेद॥ ||५||" "sa aikṣata yadi vā imamabhimasye kanīyo'nnaṁ kariṣya iti | sa tayā vācā tenātmaneda sarvamasṛjata yadidaṁ kiṁcarco yajūṣi sāmāni chan...