
Showing posts with the label International Yoga Day

Learn Meditation on Viraj | Meditation on International Yoga Day | Dhyan | Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

# Watch Dear readers, Welcome back to our BLOG. I will explain the third shloka of the second Brahmana within the first chapter of the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad and teach you a meditation based on the shloka today. You can read or recite the shlokas. Shloka 1.2.3 स त्रेधात्मानं व्यकुरुतादित्यं तृतीयं वायुं तृतीय स एष प्राणस्त्रेधा विहितः। तस्य प्राची दिक्षिरोऽसौ चासौ चेर्मौ। अथास्य प्रतीची दिक्पुच्छमसौ चासौ च सक्थ्यौ दक्षिणा चोदीची च पार्श्वे द्यौः पृष्ठमन्तरिक्षमुदरमियमुरः स एषोऽप्सु प्रतिष्ठितो यत्र क्व चैति तदेव प्रतितिष्ठत्येवं विद्वान्॥ ||३|| "Sa tredhāt mānaṁ vyakuruta ādityaṁ tṛtīyaṁ vāyuṁ tṛtīya sa eṣa prāṇas tredhā vihitaḥ | Tasya prācī dik śiro 'sau cāsau cermau | Athāsya pratīcī dik puccam asau cāsau ca sakthyau dakṣiṇā codīcī ca pārśve dyauḥ pṛṣṭham antarikṣam udaram iyam uraḥ sa eṣo 'psu pratiṣṭhito yatra kva ceti tad eva pratitiṣṭhaty evaṁ vidvān || 3 ||" English Translation: He divided his body in three ways, making the sun