
Brihadaranyaka Upanishad Chapter 1 First Brahmana | Cosmic Meditation: Exploring the Shlokas Wisdom

  # Watch Dear readers, Welcome back to our blog. Our focus today will be on the shlokas of the first Brahmana within the first chapter of the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad. You can read or recite the shlokas. Shloka 1.1.1 ॐ उषा वा अश्वस्य मेध्यस्य शिरः॥  सूर्यश्चक्षुर्वातः प्राणो व्यात्तमग्निर्वैश्वानरः संवत्सर आत्माऽश्वस्य मेध्यस्य॥  द्यौः पृष्ठमन्तरिक्षमुदरं पृथिवी पाजस्यं दिशः पार्श्वे अवान्तरदिशः पर्शव  ऋतवोऽङ्गानि मासाश्चार्धमासाश्च पर्वाण्यहोरात्राणि प्रतिष्ठा नक्षत्राण्यस्थीनि नभो मासानि।  ऊवध्य सिकताः सिन्धवो गुदा यकृच्च क्लोमानश्च पर्वता ओषधयश्च वनस्पतयश्च  लोमान्योद्यन् पूर्वार्धो निम्लोचञ्जघनार्धो तद्विजृम्भते तद्विद्योतते  यद्विधूनुते तत्स्तनयति यन्मेहति तद्वर्षति वागेवास्य वाक्॥ ||१|| "oṃ uṣā vā aśvasya medhyasya śiraḥ॥  sūryaścakṣurvātaḥ prāṇo vyāttamagnirvaiśvānaraḥ saṃvatsara  ātmā'śvasya medhyasya॥ dyauḥ pṛṣṭhamantarikṣamudaraṃ pṛthivī  pājasyaṃ diśaḥ pārśve avāntaradiśaḥ parśava ṛtavo'ṅgān...

The Universe is Infinite, You Are Too: Brihadaranyaka Upanishad Revealed | Introduction | Vedanta

  # Watch Dear readers, Welcome back to our blog. Today we are starting a new series on Brihadaranyaka Upanishad. It will be a large series of articles, so keep your enthusiasm high always. As this is the first article, we will start with a small introduction, then chant a peace invocation mantra and understand that mantra. Before we begin, I recommend you to read the previous Series on Isha Upanishad to unveil the Secrets of Self. Links to those articles are given at the bottom. Brihadaranyaka, the name suggests itself, is a big revelation. In reality this is the biggest and oldest upanishad. According to scholars, this upanishad was composed during 9th century BCE to 5th century BCE. But, no one knows the exact timeline. This is a principal upanishad and part of Shukla Yajur Veda. This Upanishad largely talks about the creation of this Universe, Brahman and gives us one mahavakya or big statement and that is "Aham Brahmasmi" meaning I am Brahma...