
The Formation of the Solar System | Nebular Hypothesis | Nebular Theory | Solar System Formation | Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

  # Watch Dear readers, Welcome back to our BLOG. Today, I will continue explaining the third shloka of the second Brahmana within the first chapter of the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad. You can read the previous article to recite, know the translation, and understand the initial interpretation of the shloka. Before we interpret further, I recommend you read the previous articles on the origin of the Universe, cosmic meditation, and introduction to the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad. You can also read the series on the Isha Upanishad to unveil the Secrets of Self if you missed it. Links to those articles are given at the bottom. In the previous article, we learned that Viraj was the cosmic baby born from the cosmic embryo Hiranyagarbha. Here, Viraj is considered a living cosmic baby by the Rishi. Viraj further divided the body in three ways: the sun, the air, and Viraj itself as fire. Then, we meditated on the different body parts of Viraj. Essentially, Viraj is none

Learn Meditation on Viraj | Meditation on International Yoga Day | Dhyan | Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

# Watch Dear readers, Welcome back to our BLOG. I will explain the third shloka of the second Brahmana within the first chapter of the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad and teach you a meditation based on the shloka today. You can read or recite the shlokas. Shloka 1.2.3 स त्रेधात्मानं व्यकुरुतादित्यं तृतीयं वायुं तृतीय स एष प्राणस्त्रेधा विहितः। तस्य प्राची दिक्षिरोऽसौ चासौ चेर्मौ। अथास्य प्रतीची दिक्पुच्छमसौ चासौ च सक्थ्यौ दक्षिणा चोदीची च पार्श्वे द्यौः पृष्ठमन्तरिक्षमुदरमियमुरः स एषोऽप्सु प्रतिष्ठितो यत्र क्व चैति तदेव प्रतितिष्ठत्येवं विद्वान्॥ ||३|| "Sa tredhāt mānaṁ vyakuruta ādityaṁ tṛtīyaṁ vāyuṁ tṛtīya sa eṣa prāṇas tredhā vihitaḥ | Tasya prācī dik śiro 'sau cāsau cermau | Athāsya pratīcī dik puccam asau cāsau ca sakthyau dakṣiṇā codīcī ca pārśve dyauḥ pṛṣṭham antarikṣam udaram iyam uraḥ sa eṣo 'psu pratiṣṭhito yatra kva ceti tad eva pratitiṣṭhaty evaṁ vidvān || 3 ||" English Translation: He divided his body in three ways, making the sun

Origin of The Universe | What Was The Big Bang? | The Hindu Interpretation of Creation

  # Watch Dear readers, Welcome back to our blog. I will explain first two shlokas of the second Brahmana within the first chapter of the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad today. You can read or recite the shlokas. Shloka 1.2.1 नैवेह किंचनाग्र आसीन्मृत्युनैवेदमावृतमासीत्। अशनाययाऽशनाया हि मृत्युस्तन्मनोऽकुरुतात्मन्वी स्यामिति। सोऽर्चन्नचरत्तस्यार्चत आपोऽजायन्तार्चते वै मे कमभूदिति। तदवार्क्यस्यार्कत्वं क ह वा अस्मै भवति य एवमेतदर्कस्यार्कत्वं वेद॥ ||१|| "naiveha kiṃcanāgra āsīnmṛtyunaivedamāvṛtamāsīt. aśanāyayā'shanāyā hi mṛtyustanmano'kurutātmanvī syāmiti. so'rchannacarttasyārcata āpo'jāyantārcate vai me kamabhūditi. tadavārkyasyārkatvaṃ ka ha vā asmai bhavati ya evametadarkasyārkatvaṃ veda. ||1||" English Translation: In the begining there was nothing whatever in the universe. This universe was enveloped by death (Hiranyagarbha) alone or hunger; for hunger is death. He produced the mind (desiring), 'May I be possessed of a mind'.