
Isha Upanishad | Shloka 09 | English | What is Vidya? What is Avidya? | andhantamaḥ praviśanti | Vedanta Philosophy

  Laxmi: “Ashok Da! O Ashok Da! Are you at home?”    Ashok: “Yes, Laxmi. Come inside. What happened?”   Laxmi:  “My son Gopal is vomiting incessantly. Is there any Doctor in the health center now?”   Ashok:  “Oh! Laxmi, you know the situation at our health center. There are no doctors in our village as it is far from the town. But there is an MBBS Didi in our neighboring village. Dr. Vidya. She has just got her MBBS done. Did you go to her?”   Laxmi:  “No, Ashok Da, she asks many questions and explains many things but never checks up on the patient and never recommends the right medicine. She confuses everyone with her explanations and all. You are better than her. You always check the patient and be with the patient until he does not get well. I have been seeing you for the last 20 years. You are tirelessly helping villagers. You are better than any MBBS doctor.”    Ashok:  “Okay, okay. Stop praising me. I chec...

Isha Upanishad | Shloka 8 | English | Does Lord Vishnu Exist? | More on Self | sa paryagācchukrama | Vedanta Philosophy

Welcome back to our blog. Today we will decode eighth shloka of Isha Upanishad. So, without any further delay, let's recite the Sloka.  स पर्यगाच्छुक्रमकायमव्रणमस्नाविरंशुद्धम् अपापविद्धम् ।  कविर्मनीषी परिभूः स्ययम्भूर्याथातथ्यतोऽर्थान्व्यदधाच्छाश्वतीभ्यः समाभ्यः ॥  “sa paryagācchukramakāyamavraamasnāviraśuddham apāpaviddham |  kavirmanīī paribhū syayambhūryāthātathyato'rthānvyadadhācchāśvatībhya samābhya ||”  Translation in English:   The Self is all-pervasive, seed of everything, bodiless, scatheless, without sinews, pure, untouched by sin; omniscient, master of mind, transcendent, self-existent, duly allotted respective duties to the eternal years.  In this shloka we will understand more about the Self – the 'Aatman'. As it is impossible to relate all these abstract words to any object or any character, hence, rather than explaining this sholka through a story, let's understand this word by word. For the visualization purpose, Rishis created a tran...

Isha Upanishad | Shloka 07 | English | Reason of Sadness | How to be free from suffering? | yasminsarvāṇi | Vedanta Philosophy

  Welcome back to our blog. Today we will understand seventh shloka of Isha Upanishad.    So, without any further delay, let's read the Sloka.  यस्मिन्सर्वाणि भूतान्यात्मैवाभूद्विजानतः ।   तत्र को मोहः कः शोक एकत्वमनुपश्यतः ॥   “yasminsarvāṇi bhūtānyātmaivābhūdvijānataḥ |  tatra ko mohaḥ kaḥ śoka ekatvamanupaśyataḥ ||”  Translation in English:   The being who realized every being becoming the Self, then what delusion and what sorrow can there be for that seer of oneness.  Let's interpret this shloka with the help of a short story from the epic Mahabharata. Dhritharashtra was the blind king of the Hastinapur. He was not only blind with his eyes, but he had a blind love for his eldest son Duryadhana. Because of that he always used to prefer to be silent by not seeing any of his son’s mistakes. He always used to give him the false expectations instead of giving the right feedback. Rather than building his character he wanted to give him e...