Isha Upanishad | Shloka 07 | English | Reason of Sadness | How to be free from suffering? | yasminsarvāṇi | Vedanta Philosophy


Welcome back to our blog. Today we will understand seventh shloka of Isha Upanishad.   

So, without any further delay, let's read the Sloka. 

यस्मिन्सर्वाणि भूतान्यात्मैवाभूद्विजानतः 
तत्र को मोहः कः शोक एकत्वमनुपश्यतः 

“yasminsarvāṇi bhūtānyātmaivābhūdvijānataḥ | 
tatra ko mohaḥ kaḥ śoka ekatvamanupaśyataḥ ||” 

Translation in English: 

The being who realized every being becoming the Self, then what delusion and what sorrow can there be for that seer of oneness. 

Let's interpret this shloka with the help of a short story from the epic Mahabharata. Dhritharashtra was the blind king of the Hastinapur. He was not only blind with his eyes, but he had a blind love for his eldest son Duryadhana. Because of that he always used to prefer to be silent by not seeing any of his son’s mistakes. He always used to give him the false expectations instead of giving the right feedback. Rather than building his character he wanted to give him everything though others would be deprived. Because of this reason, Duryadhana continued to hate his own cousins Pandavas and his greed started getting gratified as the days went by. Now, he wanted to deprive his cousins of any possession by not giving them even a piece of land and throwing them out of the palace. And not to mention, he even conspired to kill Pandavas. Who can forget the biggest mistake of his life was disrespecting Pandava’s wife Draupadi, treating her as a slave, as a trophy for defeating Pandavas in gambling? Duryadhana was enjoying it when his next brother unclothing Draupadi forcibly in front of everyone including Dhritharashtra, in the court of the palace. Finally, this incident gave birth to the famous 18 days Kurukshetra war between Kauravas and Padavas. Dhritharashtra lost all his 100 sons including Duryadhana in the war. The blind love ended with the never-ending grief. When everyone there, in their old age undergoes the spiritual journey of Banaprastha, Dhritharashtra was in great sorrow and could not leave the royal house for 12 years after the great war.  


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Had Dhritharashtra been aware of or implemented this Shloka in his life, would he ever have been so blindly affectionate to his son?  He would have always treated his sons and nephews, Pandavas, with the same love. He would have taught Duryadhana to respect and love all, to value others and not just be self-centric. He would have motivated Duryadhana to earn by self instead of dreaming of inheriting or grabbing forcefully from others. After teaching Duryadhana all the right values, still if he would have chosen the wrong path of life then at least this would not have grieved Dhritarashta much. Because he would have known it that his son got the punishment for all his wrong deeds which he could have controlled by not turning the blind eyes to his son's misdeed. Instead of wasting his time in grief he could have spent the rest of his life in spirituality.   

This Shloka is iterating the same thing which we have already learned in the previous shloka - Shloka - 06. So, I would not like to waste time again explaining the same thing here. The links of the previous sessions have been given at the end.   

In nutshell see everything, and every being in the Self and the Self in every being. When you find yourself in everything, your delusion will be removed. An ignorant person is always prone to Delusion. When there is only one thing everywhere, whom you will be jealous of and for what? The same concept applies for sorrow. When you know there is only one and that is the Self then there is no other being with whom you will compare your sadness. In the Aatman level there is no place for sorrow except the eternal bliss. 

This Shloka is the most demanding of today’s era. Today you just look around. You will find everyone is in blind love with someone or something. Parents love their kids in such a way that they want them to be top everywhere without analyzing their capability. The powerful and rich want to build an empire of wealth, so that the kids can live a comfortable life. To do that they shamelessly ready to exploit others. Teenagers are in love with their smartphone in such an extent that they can go crazy if somehow that is broken or stolen. People are blindly in love with their cars. They can kill other person for making a scratch or dent on the car’s body in any unwanted accident. Girls are going crazy to make themselves prettier. They can go too far with their body. Some goes in crazy depression because of different issues in relationships. Married partners are in delusion and feel they can’t live life without each other. If one partner leaves or dies suddenly, another partner goes mad. He or she wants to spend the whole time in grief. They just can’t digest any change in their life. All these issues are related to ignorance and identifying yourself as separate from the rest of the world. Not only the body, but people also think they are all different souls. People make stories like God has created partner for everyone. Movies show stories on soulmates. Failing to get a dream partner, breaks dreams of millions. One always struggles with the questions like Why me and my soul or my soulmate or my son or my love or my mother or my family etc. Why can’t you see you are not a single soul caged in the body but a single soul which is everywhere and everyone in that soul? You are not bound to anything. You are free. You are pervaded everywhere. Don’t limit yourself. Your love is not limited. With this wisdom you will never be in depression or in grief or in sorrow or in delusion. You will never be attached blindly to anyone. I wish you all revolutionize your thinking and become a free soul. The world is waiting for this change within you. 

Dear readers, be with us in this journey of Universal Vedanta movement. 

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Isha Upanishad - Shloka - 04

Isha Upanishad - Shloka - 03

Isha Upanishad - Shloka - 02

Isha Upanishad - Shloka - 01 Introduction to Isha Upanishad

Introduction to Vedanta


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