
My Message After 'Nabanno Chalo' Movement on Demand of Mamata's Resignation

  # Watch My dear sisters and brothers, my dear student community, and my dear audience, Once again, today, I have not come to discuss Vedanta. I have come to speak about the movement called by the student community that took place on the 27th. I salute the bravery of those who participated in that movement. I also thank those who couldn’t attend but contributed in other ways. For those who couldn’t join, perhaps due to fear or other reasons, but supported the movement in spirit, I hope that in the future, you too will overcome your fears and learn to protest. And to those who opposed this movement, I wish you good sense. Do not let the fire of protest that you have ignited be extinguished until the goal is achieved. Perhaps justice was not achieved this time, but there is no reason to be disheartened by this. Remember, 200 years of colonial oppression did not end with just one movement; it took time, and the blood of thousands of revolutionaries was shed

Justice for Abhaya | | Let's March to Nabanna | Justice for Tilottoma | Students Strike | Doctors Strike | Mamata Must Resign | Justice for Nirbhaya of Kolkata

  # Watch in Bangla # Watch in Hindi # Watch in English My dear brothers and sisters, my dear students, and my dear audience, Today, I have not come to discuss Vedanta. I have come today to protest a brutal incident that occurred a few days ago. I am here today to convey to you that when times are turbulent, when injustice and wrongdoing are rampant all around, that is not the time to sit quietly in meditation. This is not the time to recite some verses. We must rise, we must awaken. Vedanta teaches us this. Vedanta helps us conquer the fear within our minds. If we do not rise today, if we do not protest against this injustice today, do so however you can, but protest this injustice. Vedanta, the Gita, or any other religious text does not teach us cowardice. Rise, awaken, and stand alongside the students. Today, we must protest against this injustice and wrongdoing. If we cannot do this today, if w

how universe was created according to Hinduism | how big bang happened | the power of speaking | Brihadaranyaka Upanishad | Vedanta Darshan

  The Power of Speech | Brihadaranyaka Upanishad | Shloka 1.2.4 #English Watch #Hindi Watch #Bangla Watch Dear readers, Welcome back to our BLOG. Today, we delve into the fourth shloka of the second Brahmana within the first chapter of the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad. In this post, we will explore the profound meaning of this shloka and draw parallels between ancient wisdom and modern scientific understanding. Let's begin by reading or reciting the shloka: "सोऽकामयतः द्वितीयो म आत्मा जायेतेति स मनसा वाचं मिथुन समभवदशनाया मृत्युस्तद्यद्रेत आसीत्स संवत्सरोऽभवत्। न ह पुरा ततः संवत्सर आस तमेतावन्तं कालमबिभः। यावान्त्संवत्सरातमेतावतः कालस्य परस्तादसृजत तं जातमभिव्याददात्स भाणकरोत्सैव वागभवत्॥ ||४||" "So'kaamayatah dviteeyo ma atmaa jaayeteti sa manasaa vaacham mithuna samabhavadashanaayaa mrityustadyadreta aaseets samvatsaro'bhavat. Na ha puraa tatah samvatsara aasa tametaavantam

The Formation of the Solar System | Nebular Hypothesis | Nebular Theory | Solar System Formation | Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

  # Watch Dear readers, Welcome back to our BLOG. Today, I will continue explaining the third shloka of the second Brahmana within the first chapter of the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad. You can read the previous article to recite, know the translation, and understand the initial interpretation of the shloka. Before we interpret further, I recommend you read the previous articles on the origin of the Universe, cosmic meditation, and introduction to the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad. You can also read the series on the Isha Upanishad to unveil the Secrets of Self if you missed it. Links to those articles are given at the bottom. In the previous article, we learned that Viraj was the cosmic baby born from the cosmic embryo Hiranyagarbha. Here, Viraj is considered a living cosmic baby by the Rishi. Viraj further divided the body in three ways: the sun, the air, and Viraj itself as fire. Then, we meditated on the different body parts of Viraj. Essentially, Viraj is none