Isha Upanishad | Verse 01 | Shloka 01 | English | Isha Vasyamidam | Veda...

Welcome back to our blog. Today we will discuss the very first shloka of Isha Upanishad.  But before we begin, please watch or read the previous sessions on “Introduction to Isha Upanishad” and “Introduction to Vedanta, if you are yet to watch or read them. Don’t worry, for your convenience, the links to these sessions are provided below . Please do not forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel for latest updates. You may want to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Koo. Links are given at the bottom.

Introduction to Vedanta

Without any further delay, lets recite the Sloka.

ईशा वास्यमिदं सर्वं यत्किञ्च जगत्यां जगत्‌।
तेन त्यक्तेन भुञ्जीथा मा गृधः कस्यस्विद्धनम्‌ ॥

Lets translate in English.
Lord is covering everything which is moving in this world. As this is an illusionary world, enjoy life with detachment. Leave all lust and desires for others’ properties.
Q. Who is Isha?
A. Isha means by the Lord. That means Brahman or God is supreme ruler. Do not be confused, it does not say that there is a ruler ruling the world from up above the sky or heaven. On the contrary God's home is you. God is everywhere and in every being. Oh God! Someone residing inside me, you mean my body! Is there any organ like my brain or heart which is conscious, or God is living in that organ? Relax and watch the last video again to understand the Brahman. Here, Brahman or God is living, meaning all the living beings are part of that ocean of consciousness. As we are just the waves of that ocean, the ocean and we are made of the same water. Either way you can think of. Brahman is living inside you, or you are living in the Brahman. Thus, it essentially means that no one will come out from you when you die one day.

Q. Why the world is illusionary?
A. As this world or any unseen or seen matters are non-living, have some limitations and have the begining and end, hence, destruction is inevitable, it is bound to happen, so they are just illusions. This world is beautiful, colorful and attractive, and is catching your sense organs always. You are experiencing now but it will be changed or diminished in a moment. The world is appearing as real but it is mere an illusion. Our body is also of the same kind. It is beautiful and intelligent creation, but it will not last forever. Even our mind, intellect, memory, thoughts will not sustain forever. Our thoughts and personality may live for 1000 years more but one day people will forget those as well. Who ever thinks any religion or Santana thinks Vedanta will sustain.  Do not want to hurt anyone’s belief, but the reality is, those religious beliefs will also be destroyed one day. Saying that, the truth revealed in Upanishads or any religion will be there as it is, whether this Universe exists or not. That is Sanatana or Shashwata or always truth. That truth would be realized by some other intelligent species on some other planet or in other universe or in any new universe which is not exist now.

As this world is just creation of Maya, why to be attached to this false world. Hence, enjoy your life with detachment. Do not attach yourself with anything, anyone, any place, any religion, any thought, any personality and even with yourself or your name. Whatever you are doing, enjoy that for that moment only and don’t carry forward the belongings like happiness, sorrow, anger, more desires with you. Leave them there only. As example, you are invited for a lunch. You are not dreaming about the lunch whole day or desiring your favorite dishes. Whatever menu served to you, you enjoyed them. Neither you ate less nor too much. After eating you may get burp but you are not getting any burp in your thinking. I mean you are not remembering what was delicious and which tasted bad. Even you are not desiring for next lunch invitation.

 The last part is saying do not lust for others’ wealth. That is no doubt a very good lesson, but do you think this verse is saying just this only. This is an encrypted message. Here, other does not indicate just some other persons but here other denotes to Brahman or God or the creator. Others’ property denotes to the illusionary world whatever you are sensing around even your body and mind. Nothing is your property. You or I did not create them. We are here to just use them, consume them, enjoy them with the idea of detachment and knowing the truth they are not ours. As an example, when we go to another city and if we do not have our own house in that city or do not have any relative or friend in that city then we check in to any hotel. We use the property, consume whatever applicable, enjoy our stay and check out when our stay is over. We always stay with detachment and knowing that this property is not ours.

So, in brief, God is living in all living beings in this illusionary world. As this is illusionary world, enjoy life with detachment. Leave all lust and desires for these properties because even your body and mind are not your property.
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