Isha Upanishad | Shloka 02 | How to Live for 100 Years? | Kurvanneveha .. | Vedanta Philosophy

Welcome back to our blog. Today we will be discussing the second shloka of Isha Upanishad.  But before we begin, please watch or read the previous sessions / blog on "Isha Upanishad – Shloka 1”, “Introduction to Isha Upanishad” and “Introduction to Vedanta”, if you have not watched yet. And don’t worry, for your convenience, the links to these sessions are provided below. Also, please do not forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel for the latest updates. You may want to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Koo. Links are given at the end. 

Isha Upanishad - Shloka - 01 Introduction to Isha Upanishad

Introduction to Vedanta

So, without any further delay, lets read the Shloka. 

कुर्वन्नेवेह कर्माणि जिजीविषेत् शतं समाः 

एवं त्वयि नान्यथेतोऽस्ति कर्म लिप्यते नरे  

In English: 

kurvanneveha karmāṇi jijīviṣet śataṁ samāḥ | 

evaṁ tvayi nānyatheto'sti na karma lipyate nare ||” 

Let's translate in English. 

Doing any action with this thought and philosophy in mind, you can very well wish to live 100 years without getting attached to any action or result. There is no other better way than this.  

Do you want to live 100 years? | Universal Vedanta

This Shloka is just emphasizing the previous Shloka. You can read or watch the previous blog / session if you missed it. The link is given at the beginning. So, do you want to live 100 years? Many of you want to live 100 years or more but your mind is saying, no, no, no, no, no, let’s leave this world as soon as possible to get rid of all the pain. Am I right? Here the problem is pain and this Shloka has the solution for you. Let’s understand the solution. When we are gifted with life, we must perform various tasks for our survival. While doing those actions do not indulge yourself, do not attach yourself with worldly affairs, like family, friends, relatives, nature, place, work, money, position, fame, love, sorrow, your body, your knowledge and even your name. Everything is an illusion. Live with detachment and do not lust and desire for the properties which were never yours and will never be yours. Even your body, mind, personality are not your properties.  

Our world and attachment | Universal Vedanta

Our world is illusion | Universal Vedanta

So, living with detachment is the only way. Opposite way is attachment to everything. More you attach yourself to this world, the greater the sorrow, pain and fear will be attributed to you. Eventually you will fall into the trap of blind faith, prejudices, magic, miracle, corruption, lies etc. When we are attached to any karma then we must take the results generated from that karma. They could either give you happiness and enjoyment or suffering and sorrow. But you cannot ignore them. When you live with detachment you live a fearless life and neither the Karma nor the results can bind you. In short, nothing affects you. Then 100 is just a number for you. Let us know if you are aware of any other better way of life.  

Attachment and it's trap | Universal Vedanta

Karma and it's result | Universal Vedanta

If you live like the way as shown by the first Shloka, you can live 100 years and even more if you wish to live. Here age is just a number, how long one lives does not matter, what matters is how one is living. 

Live life with detachment | Universal Vedanta

Age is just a number | Universal Vedanta

Dear readers, be with us in this journey of Universal Vedanta movement. 

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